Amateur Radio Weekly Newsletter – Week of June 8, 2024

Amateur Radio Weekly Newsletter

Ham radio news, commentary, giveaways, and more!
Celebrating 25 years of service – 1995-2021
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Saturday, June 8, 2024

  • Advice
    ARRL made a comment in an update yesterday about some members “believe [ARRL] should be openly communicating everything [emphasis added] associated with this incident.” That’s not what this member has been suggesting. The update goes on saying “[authorities] […] have directed us to be conservative and cautious with our communications.” I really hate to belabor … Continue reading Advice
  • Strategic partnerships with public libraries by ham radio clubs: Updates
    Since the previous blog post got out and syndicated via, I’ve had inquiries about how to go about building an effective relationship with a local library system. Some clubs have already done this but focusing on emergency communications activities. The ARRL tends to call these “served agencies.” This may be with a local Emergency […]
  • TX Factor – Episode 30
    We’re back with our 10th year anniversary show! Bob G0FGX demonstrates the Groundstation 2 from DX Patrol in the first of a two-part feature on operating via the QO-100 geostationary satellite. He looks at the hardware and software needed to achieve your first QSO at home or out mobile.We visit the new QTH of the […]
  • Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 334
    The gradual normalization of automated FT8 The one-man FT4GL DXpedition on Glorioso is ground-breaking. AE5X Ham Map A map that shows WWFF, POTA, SOTA, and GMA references. OK1SIM QO-100 satellite ground station complete build My QO-100 satellite ground station is built around my little Icom IC-705 QRP transceiver, it’s a great little rig and is […]

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Matt W1MST
Managing Editor

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